Unit Planning Template Group Members: Lauren La Prairie Grade Level: 8 Big Idea: “Dance, drama, music, & visual arts are each unique languages for creating & communicating” Element or Principle of design: Texture Aspect of the Element of Design: How… Continue Reading →
Exploring stories through cooking and text creation, a guided inquiry. This is a guided inquiry around how students can communicate their understanding around a chosen story in a nuanced way. This will be demonstrated by showcasing their key takeaways from… Continue Reading →
Art Ed. Journal Here’s a look at my ongoing art education journal, filled with helpful tidbits, lesson plans and other art explorations courtesy of the elem PDP cohort, Kathleen Schmalz and other fantastic art educators (kudos especially to Jess Milne… Continue Reading →
“It’s the essence of our humanity—to create, to invent, to make our world better.” ― Ted Dintersmith, What School Could Be: Insights and Inspiration from Teachers across America I was very impressed with ‘Most Likely to Succeed’ for lots of reasons. Any… Continue Reading →
The Pacific School of Innovation & Inquiry (PSII) was a place that really captured my attention. As someone who has always claimed that I would only ever work in a public school, it was surprising to find myself considering the… Continue Reading →
Here we see the naive young teacher candidate trying to move forward in the minecraft world, thanks to the many lovely suggestions and patience of John and Jessica. I am self-proclaimed-the-worst at video games, but I absolutely understand how important… Continue Reading →
This is only about the 3rd4th10thwhoknows time I am trying this. Thank goodness for accountability structures, this kid needs ’em. I have known for a good few years now that I want ASL to be a meaningful pursuit of mine…. Continue Reading →
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