Here we see the naive young teacher candidate trying to move forward in the minecraft world, thanks to the many lovely suggestions and patience of John and Jessica. I am self-proclaimed-the-worst at video games, but I absolutely understand how important having video game literacy is as a future educator. Minecraft and other video games are a huge access point for connecting with students, and I was blown away by the trust evident between Heidi and her visiting student-educators from Colquitz middle school. Both teacher and students showed evident appreciation for the other, joking, complimenting and sharing the lead on teaching our cohort the world of minecraft.

The best part of incorporating this into the classroom is that it recognizes that student interests are valid and mature topics of inquiry, encouraging us as teachers to value numerous educative pathways to reach students. The leadership, construction, math, social studies and community building evident in the learning of these grade 8 students was astounding, and I love the idea of creating a community of trust so that students are allowed to take risks.

Though I may not be a budding minecraft aficionado, I definitely am a budding minecraft appreciator and can’t wait to express excitement about what I’ve seen to the students at my wednesday visits, work and classrooms going forward.